The Real Source of the Pain in my Neck....

So I've had a teeny bit of trouble with stress lately.

We just got back from THIS place last week.

Let me tell you, the happiest place on earth is no relaxing day at the beach when keeping up with 3 kids in huge crowds and figuring out the best uses of your fast passes and making sure the kids see everything you know they'll love.  Great trip, NOT great for stress, though.

But then again, what mom DOESN'T have some stress to deal with?  Or what human being, for that matter?!  I should be able to handle this, right?

But alas, after several months of waking from sleep due to aching shoulders and neck muscles, I gave up thinking I could just buckle down and get through it.

And for the first time ever, I visited a chiropractor.  I figured if it helped AT ALL it would be worth it, right?  Just a little instruction on some exercises I could do or things to avoid, or ANYTHING at all that would provide some relief and relaxation.


I forgot to mention that I brought my youngest little minion along with me since she didn't have preschool that morning.

Armed with her big sister's purse stuffed with plastic animals, she followed me quietly into the examination room.  While we waited to see the doctor, she took out every single one of the 56 animals and lined them up against the wall.

Didn't phase me a bit.  I was quite pleased with her behavior, actually.

The doctor came in and we talked for a few moments.  He asked what situations in my life I would currently identify as stressors.

He had to ask me three times because I was distracted by the 4-year-old pulling on my arm asking where the paper towels were because she had spilled her juice box on the massage table.

A few minutes later, a nurse came in and hooked me up to some kind of machine that delivered an electrical massage of sorts to my shoulders and neck.  I was instructed to lay facedown on the massage table and just enjoy about 10 minutes of quiet and a heating pad on my back.

No problem.  I handed my iphone off to my child and gave her full freedom to play every game I have on there (Okay, stop judging).  I breathed deeply and closed my eyes, feeling the little machine thingy doing its magic on my tired shoulders.

"Mommy!  Open your eyes.  Stop sleeping!" I heard a little voice say.

I opened my eyes and looked thru the little opening where you put your face.  I saw little hands with my iPhone.  She was showing me a picture she had taken of me laying on the table.

"Honey, can you go back and play with your animals some more?" I suggested, closing my eyes again.

"Okay, Mommy."  The sound of little feet padding over to the corner of the room satisfied my request.

Three seconds later, I heard giggling.

"Mommy!  That's so funny!  I put the piggy on your back!  Look at this picture!"

I opened my eyes again.  Sure enough, she was holding the phone for me to see and she had, in fact, taken a picture of a toy pig sitting on the heating pad on my back.

"Okay, please take him down and go back to your corner."

I again closed my eyes, willing the ache in my shoulders to just go away.  The dimly lit room and comfy table and music were so nice.

Suddenly, I felt something was not quite right.  It was too quiet.

"Babe?  What are you doing?"

"I put all the piggy's friends on your back!  They look so funny!"

She showed me the picture evidence once more.

I managed to convince her to take down the animal party off my back mere seconds before the chiropractor returned.  For the remainder of the appointment, my sweet child stood transfixed by my side, precariously balancing about five animals in each hand and I could tell she was just bursting to talk or ask questions.

I thought to myself that PERHAPS bringing a 4-year-old (even though she really was very good in 4-year-old world!) had not been the wisest choice for de-stressing and focusing on the doctor's suggestions on how to relieve tense muscles.

Thankfully, the staff was very kind and patient and just smiled at the antics of a young child.  As I filled out paperwork and stood at the front desk before we left (which was interrupted when I had to go retrieve my little runner from making her way to the parking lot alone), the doctor came by and brought me yet another toy we had left behind.

As we got into my mom mobile and the sounds of Snow White's high pitched singing filled the car, I decided there was just one thing left I should try...

The ultimate stress reliever. We got a manicure.


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